Well what I thought would happen on Valentine's Day happened. But enough on that and more on the new cat in town. Whoever it is won't take my place in this town. I haven't seen her yet, but people say she has a tail just like mine! This won't work, if I see her even through the window in my house, I will have a little talk with her. Just about how she is in my town and not to steal my town.
Nobody is going to steal my town anytime soon. If I find her soon I will put it on my blog in the exact words I say. Nikki wasn't here to see the cat because she was at a friend's house. But I predict that she will come around the house about two times a week at least. It has been raining so maybe she will try to sleep on the porch at night, maybe.I mean my land is amazing, what cat wouldn't want to stay here.